
Next-generation Online Music Collaboration

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Coming soon

Kormix is a brand new service for musicians and producers, from the makers of Koord. It's designed to make the process of connecting, playing and creating together online easier than ever before. A beta release is in the works now - sign up below to be notified when it's ready!


Collaborate like they're in the room

High quality audio and video. Ultra low-latency connections. Using a DAW? Load up the Kormix plugin and share your whole workspace with the click of a button.

Start collaborating with others in seconds. All the tools you need, in one place. Recordings, livestreams, screen-sharing, file-sharing and more.


Your workflow, supported

No need to drop your workflow, wherever you are. You're a producer and your client is out of town? No problem.

Load up Kormix, and share the latest mix with them, whenever you want. See their reactions live as you listen together in real-time.

Sign up to receive updates!


London, UK